Tuesday, August 9, 2011

hmmm...This is some free writing with no real direction established.

I wanted to take a lil' bit of a different direction for this entry. I wanted to do some unplanned free writing.

Currently I am at my hometown's library sitting on a public computer. The man next to me has to be 70 something years old. I am laughing on the inside because he is using a pretty ginormous font to type with on this computer. He probably thinks I'm creepy because I keep looking over at him. I look at him. I kind of want to freeze him for a few minutes so I can take a better look at him. Take a good look at all of the lines and wrinkles on his face. I'd like to sit him down and ask him some questions. Every elderly person I meet I'd like to sit them down and ask them some questions. The person doesn't have to be elderly for me to want to have a convo with them, but the elderly have always really peeked my interest.

Well for one thing not everybody gets to reach such a ripe age. Their genetics and lifestyle have allowed them to survive. Why? Why has this man survived? What has he survived? I don't know his medical history. Maybe he survived cancer :D Maybe he has an invisible autoimmune disease. I don't think so though, he's moving around very good for his age, he's computer savvy, and he seems to be still making himself a productive member of society. Whatever he was typing up wasn't for pleasure, it was for some sort of business. I wonder what kind of life this man has lived. Was it a very stressful one? What was his childhood like? Does he have children? He is not wearing a wedding ring. Has he endured a divorce? I wonder what he looked like when he was younger. Was he a pretty good looking man? What was his moral system? Is he religious? What is his favorite meal? Obviously there are endless and endless questions that I could ask this man. He's lived on this earth for a very long time thus far. He's experienced so much.

One of the most interesting parts of working at a nursing home is taking a look at the wrinkled, aged, lived person in that nursing home bed and then looking at their framed pictures of them younger. It's really something! It doesn't take me or anyone else to bring to anyone's attention that time is indeed fleeting! Our existence really is far more tenuous than we sometimes realize. We should enjoy it. We should take care of ourselves. And we really should take the time to reflect our lives from time to time and to make sure we're living it right. In my case I was forced to slow down and forced to really appreciate all of da small stuffs. It's benefited me greatly. And to be slowly getting it all back. WOW THAT'S SO AWESOME. My whole life is changed. My whole direction. Let's all hug now in lou of this sentimental blog moment. lol. Listening to The Flaming Lips/In the Morning of the Magicians has aided me in attempting to provide this sentimental blog moment. A special thanks to The Flaming Lips. :) <3

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